Compare laps. Explore tracks. Log vehicle upgrades. Get faster.

A community for motorsports enthusiasts

Serious-Racing is a free web app for anyone who's into cars, bikes, or karts. You can use it on your phone or computer to analyse your performance and compare laps from your existing GPS lap timing system. Or turn your GoPro HERO with GPS into a lap timer.

Even if you're not doing trackdays yourself, you can explore tracks all over the world and see shared laps with on-board videos. Create a page for your car, bike, or kart and keep track of upgrades, products, settings and everything else. Check out other people's rides and ask for advice.

Compare with pros and see where they are faster. We currently have laps from £9.99 of Donington Park, Mallory Park, Cadwell Park and Oulton Park by Sylvain Guintoli.

Get started

Serious-Racing vehicle profile

Create a page for your car, bike, or kart

Add photos and notes. Review upgrades and parts. Get geeky with settings and specs.

Explore hundreds of tracks all over the world

See who’s fastest. Prepare for trackdays. Check out shared laps and on-board videos. Serious-Racing works with any track, even the one in your back yard.

Analyse your trackday performance, compare laps

Replay the race on a map and see braking and acceleration markers. See your weakest and strongest track sectors. Compare with friends to see who’s faster and why.

Add video and share

Add Youtube videos to your laps and share on Facebook, Twitter, and anywhere else.

Apps and devices we support

  • GoPro HERO with GPS
  • RaceChrono
  • RaceBox
  • Starlane
  • Porsche Track Precision
  • Porsche Chrono Package CSV
  • Track Day Genius
  • Harry's Laptimer
  • Trackmaster
  • AIM Race Studio 2
  • Alfano
  • Qstarz
  • XTStudio
  • Apex Track coach
  • Y-Trac Yamaha data logger
  • Motorlap

Just getting started and don't know which one to choose? Read our handy guide ›

Sign up for free

What are you waiting for?

  • Create a page for your car, bike, or kart
  • Explore tracks
  • Compare and analyse your laps
  • Add video
  • Share with friends
  • Get faster